Consulting Experts Who Can Help You Meet Your Needs

Our president and CEO, Tony Perez, boasts over 25 years of experience in labor and industry, helping to pass a variety of legislative initiatives that created jobs for working families. As Director of Legislative and Growth Strategies for United Food & Commercial Workers Local 400, he single-handedly built their Political/Legislative Department into a force in the Metropolitan area. Some of his accomplishments include:

  • Increased member volunteer contributions to a record high, raising nearly $500,000 in a year
  • Passed legislation that created local jobs based on tax incentives
  • Passed legislation establishing shift breaks for retail workers
  • Passed legislation that gives citizens a voice to create positive, large developments in their communities
  • Passed legislation that protects people, communities, and organizations against SLAPP suits
  • Passed legislation that protects the information of a union representative
  • Passed legislation that will prevent the sale of alcohol through self-scan checkout machines
  • Graduated 1st in class at Cornell University Leadership Institute (2011)

LA Perez Consulting is a political consulting firm that focuses on representing nonprofits, associations, and businesses in the Washington, DC Metropolitan Area and before the Maryland and Virginia General Assemblies.

With over two decades of political and advocacy experience working with elected officials and government agencies as well as media and community relations, LA Perez is ready to bring that expertise to bear for your issue and interests. We specialize in issues before the Maryland and Virginia Legislatures, the Prince George’s County and Montgomery County Councils as well as the Washington DC City Council.

We at LA Perez Consulting would love to discuss how we can help advance your agenda today.